Saturday, March 20, 2010

I Love Macro Lenses!

About a month ago I rented a macro lens for my camera to shoot some product photography with for my business. I fell in love with the results!

Macro lenses tend to produce incredibly "crisp, sharp" pictures and give beautiful "blur" behind the object being shot (the stuff behind what you're taking a picture of is nice & out of focus). The blur is called Bokeh. It helps to really bring out the object that you're taking a picture of.
(I shot this example with the lens today)

The one I rented is called a Canon Macro 60 mm lens. And the images it produced were so nice that I decided to buy one!

Well, the new toy showed up today and below is a sampling of some of the things I shot today.

This is a shot of Josh doing what he does quite often...running around with a camera in hand (see the blur behind him? Sweet, eh?)

Here's another shot of our budding photographer
Fun shot of Laurie (see the grass out of focus?)
I loved how this shot turned out.
Laurie having a great time in a swing.

Not only do Macro lenses make for great "blur" and close up shots, but they also do really nice for general shots as well. I shot the one below with no flash in natural light. I loved how the colors turned out!

I think I'm really going to enjoy this lens! Not only will it be exceptional for shooting my products for my business with, but looks like I'll be able to get some great shots of the kids too!



red said...

Looks like fun! I don't have a very fancy camera but my favorite shots are the ones in natural light with no flash. I love taking shots in the sunlight at about 11 a.m. they always look perfect. Have fun!

Brittany said...

What kind of business do you have?