Wednesday, August 12, 2009

New Glasses

Monday we received a notice from the school that Emily had failed the eye exam and needed to see an eye doctor. She went to the eye doctor that afternoon and now has a new pair of glasses.

She was very excited. Her prescription was a -2, we had no idea that her eyes were that bad. She now carries the case with her everywhere in case she needs/wants to take them off (which she has done a lot today).


Kierst said...

She looks adorable! Glasses really suit her. She probably never knew she couldn't see either. I got glasses when I was 4 and I remember coming out of the optometrist's office and seeing things I had never seen before, but I didn't know I couldn't see. I thought that was just how everybody else saw too.

Hope said...

I love them! She looks so cute in them.

Cindy said...

Cute Emily!

Nick said...

She looks good in glasses. I just realized she looks like Ashley, especially with glasses on.

grandma blair said...

cute glasses Emily, so glad she got them, hope she can see better now.

Michelle said...

That was fast. You are so cute, now you have the same RX as uncle Collin and I. You really are your daddy's girl.

red said...

She looks so pretty!!