Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Time to Vent

Okay I hope I don't bore you with my rantings, but I need to release some frustration. AAAAAAGGGGGGHHHHH! Josh is driving me crazy!!! This kid is so stubborn and relentless. You are probably wondering what he did, and to give him credit he did very well all day. He played at the park, shared maybe one toy, and watched a monster truck movie three times in a row. We also read stories and played.

Then 8 pm rolls around and it is time for a bath and pajamas. First he didn't want to take a bath and I ended up carrying him upstairs. When we got in the bathroom he willingly got into the tub (and I thanked him for it). Then he complained the whole time I was washing his hair and dumped a large bowl of water on me and the floor. I pulled him out immediately and started preparing to get him ready for bed. He starts whining that he wants to wear his clothes that he had been wearing. I said that he had to get ready for bed. He insisted on wearing the clothes. I told him he could wear the clothes if he wore a diaper under them (because he is not night trained yet). He didn't want to do that. So I end up wrestling him to get a diaper and pajamas on him, while he is fighting to remove them. I get them on and hold him down until he calms and agrees not to remove his clothes, but he continues to whine about wearing underwear to bed.

I took the time to explain to him that he had two choices, (I was really trying to keep my temper under control), either he could wear a diaper and sleep on the top bunk without a plastic sheet, or he could wear underwear and sleep on the bottom bunk which had a plastic sheet. He didn't want either option. He wanted to sleep in underwear on the top bunk. (As it is Emily is sleeping on bottom and Josh is on top.)

I dealt with a little whining shadow until 9 pm when it was time to put them to bed. He was very good during story time, but started up again afterward. Finally I decided to let him wear underwear (thinking I would put a diaper on him when he was asleep. Not that simple! As soon as I gave him underwear he was no longer happy with the pants he was wearing and started complaining about them. AAAAAGGGGGHHHHH!!!!! I had had enough. Graydon had to take over, and made him go to bed with a diaper in the pants he was wearing. Now he is asleep.

Don't get me wrong. I have no problem with him wanting to were underwear to bed, but for a boy is going to be wetting the bed, I need him on the bottom bunk and with a plastic sheet so the mattress won't get ruined and so it's easier to get to the bathroom.

Oh! (Sigh) I feel much better. Thanks. Hopefully tomorrow will be better, but knowing him we may have this fight again tomorrow.


Kierst said...

These kids! I totally understand. Good luck tomorrow.

Michelle said...

:( and I'm bugged by her D's little fits.
Good luck with him.

Kristi said...

I don't know if this will help or not, but I have found a bedtime CD that helps sooooo much!! It is called Miracle Music. It plays songs and tells your kids what needs to be done to get ready for bed. For example, it will say "Time to put your clothes away and get dressed. You have two songs." Then it plays those two songs. If they are all finished getting ready by the end then they earn a star. The stars work up to rewards. It's a really simple thing, but I love that I'm not the one telling them to get ready, and nagging at them to do it. It's great motivation and incentive too. It's like $35, but worth every single penny. Good luck!

red said...

I feel your pain. Bring him over here they can whine together and pee their pants together too :)