Monday, January 4, 2010


I hate Laundry!!! I am terrible at removing stains and even worse at getting it folded and put away. Graydon knows that sometimes I need a little push.

He went to the store the other day and brought me home a card. (I would show it to you, but our scanner is broken.) The front shows a Fifties-style housewife holding a nicely folded pile of towels. She says, "Kids...I have fresh towels for you to leave rotting on the floor...come and get 'em!"

Inside it says, "Don't you just love that 12 seconds when all the laundry is done?"

I laughed. I have a book called The Queen Cleans Everything. In this book the Queen of Clean says that the Laundry is NEVER done...unless everyone runs around nude and doesn't use anything. (Okay, those may have not been her exact words, but it's the general idea.) I think that it is just aweful that the job that can never be completely done is the one I hate the most.

Thank you, Honey for the wonderful card.


Cindy said...

Yah I guess the laundry is never "done", but I do get it caught up occasionally. I am amazed at how it can pile up when we are out of town or sick for a few days! I'd rather do laundry than clean the bathrooms and shower though.

red said...

Oh I would much rather clean the bathroom than get started on what can only be described as laundry mountain. (ask Mom she'll verify.) Good luck with that. Next time tell your husband to throw a load in on his lunch break!!

VJBlair said...

Oh, he already did that. I didn't have to say anything. Now he is going to help me fold. :)