Thursday, January 7, 2010

New Wireless Printer!

It's amazing how the simple things, like being able to send a fax, make a copy, or print something in color, can really cramp your style when you all of a sudden can't do it.

The other day my trusty Canon printer finally bit the dust (I wore the poor thing out). So, I just picked up a really cool Wireless replacement for it and life is great again!

This thing is cool! Once it's installed, any computer on my wireless network can print, scan, or fax to it over wireless! I don't even have a USB cable or network cable plugged into it! Talk about cool!

It also can fax, scan, copy, & print in duplex (both sides)! Plus it can print out these cool "template" sheets of lined paper, graph paper, music staff paper, etc. My heavens! What will they think of next! Pretty darn cool!

And the best part of it all was that it was really cheap! $129.00 on! Man I love that website! I ordered it on Monday and it was here on Thurs and shipping was FREE!!! Gotta love it!


Michelle said...

I have been wanting to get one with the feeder on top. You will have to let me know if it works well for you but mainly can you scan multiple 4x6 photos with the feeder. :)

grandma blair said...

that is amazing, so glad that you got a new one. I love wireless stuff. What will they think of next?

Graydon Blair said...

I tried having it feed multiple 4x6 photos and it didn't work.

It's only designed to pull documents from the feeder. It scanned them but they didn't turn out all that well (some were turned, others were dark).

It'll scan them really well on the plate glass, but not through the feeder.