Sunday, February 27, 2011

One month old already

Our little Ben is a month old today. He is growing so well.
He now weighs over 10 pounds, which is easy to believe because
he eats all the time. He probably eats frequently because he spits
it all up afterward.

He is happy as long as he is being held. He is very alert and loves
to watch the world around him.


grandma blair said...

he is getting so big way too fast, we need to come and see him when we get home.

Kierst said...

Aw! He looks so big! Ashton was a spitter too. Not fun. You feel like you're doing all that work for nothing, but Ben is obviously thriving!

Daniel said...

He's so cute!!! We put Calvin on ranantadine and he stopped barfing every two seconds. It's like magic potion. Can't wait to meet him.