Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Alpha Friends

In kindergarten Emily is learning about alpha friends. She surprised me when she started singing these songs at the dinner table. I think they are so cute.

The first is Sammy Seal.

Sammy Seal will sail the sea
When summer is the season.
Sammy Seal will sail the sea
And never need a reason.
Sammy Seal will sail the sea
In very sunny weather
Sammy Seal salutes a Sea Gull
As they sail together.

The other is Mimi Mouse

Mimi Mouse, Mimi Mouse
Minds her manners in the house
When she sips her milk she never makes a mess.
Mud pies never stain her dress


Anna said...

what a good singer, i love all the songs they learn at school

Cindy said...

Sounds like a fun way to learn the alphabet sounds!

grandma blair said...

She is so sweet, I love her songs. She has a pretty voice too.

Regina said...

I have the set if you would like a copy.