Saturday, September 27, 2008

YouTube rocks!

About a year ago I had a company call me & tell me they wanted to come & video me & put me up online. I was good for it & said, "Sure!" (hey, free advertising right?)

So, they came, shot a bunch of video's, and disappeared for a while....and then, something miraculous happened! They put them up on YouTube and my business took off even stronger than before!

Turns out those guy's had posted the videos all over the web, but particularly on YouTube they were gaining popularity. This happened just about the first of this year and as you know, gas prices (and diesel prices) shot like a rocket to the moon.....this usually means my phone starts to ring like crazy & business booms, but with the videos, it did it even more so!

You can see the rest of the vids they shot here:

Seems I was the only one out there that'd put together some real, down-home, laymans terms video's to teach people how Biodiesel is made....and, paid off.

So, lately I've been on a "Video" kick. I've been reading every review under the sun and have been researching it like crazy. As some of you know, I also picked up a new laptop (A MacBook Pro--and love it!) and have just recently ordered a really cool, kick butt video camera.

Link to Mac Books

Here's what my video camera that's coming looks like....

Why? Well, because I was so impressed with how well those video's on YouTube did that I'm going to make more...and, well, my old Camcorder makes really lame YouTube videos (the quality sucks).

See? Really, really grainy!

But, that's not why I'm so psyched today...
In my research I ran across a guy on YouTube that has a marketing degree and is all about using Video to promote...well...himself! This is my kind of guy!

He goes by Nalts on YouTube and his videos are hilarious!

This one is my favorite so far....the end is classic!

He has a blog all about what he does too.

The reason I like his vids so much (besides the fact that they're so hilariously funny) is that he's been successful using video to promote himself.
More on him here:

And the best part about it is that he's blatant about it (he doesn't hide the fact that he's trying to make dough on this thing, he's for real--my kind of guy).

But, now back to the topic at hand.

So I've always thought YouTube was cool & all, but until I ran across this Nalts guy I had no idea how cool it could be to follow someone that posts to YouTube all the time! He posts about a video a day on just about everything under the sun and seems to be doing really well (he's had over 35 million views..yep, that's a lot!)

The past few nights I've been spending lots of time (ask she rolls her eyes) watching this guy and reading up on how to make successful YouTube vids.

Interesting (and sometimes hilarious) stuff!

Recent YouTube Junkie!

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