Saturday, June 20, 2009

Paper Mache

Last Saturday I got the brilliant idea to do a paper mache craft with the kids. It ended up that they were interested for only 10 minutes. I guess it was too hard and too messy. I ended up covering the balloons while they held them still. I only did two layers and then hung them to dry for two days.

As soon as I deflated the balloons I realized that two layers was not enough. We did try to make masks and the kids loved painting them, but then they curled up like a taco.

I am going to have to get better at this craft thing.


Anna said...

That same thing happened to me. but i didn't let them dry as long, so yours were better. :)
They look great to me.

Cindy said...

Looks like the kids had fun painting them, even if they turned out different than you planned :)