Friday, June 5, 2009

"No More Pencils, No More Books..."

Emily is done with Kindergarten. I can't believe how fast the school year has gone and how much she has matured. A great example is when we would walk to school. I had to walk her to her classroom, then over a month's time I would progressively back out of the school until I was leaving her at the crosswalk. Now she just goes and I am left far behind.

They had a Spring Fling Presentation where all the classes did a special dance number. Emily's was to "Splish, Splash". We took a video, but it didn't turn out.

She really enjoyed Kindergarten, learned a lot, and made a lot of friends. She is looking forward to 1st Grade with much excitement.


Cindy said...

Cute pictures! Yea for Emily- You're a big kid now!

Michelle said...

Wow she is going to be in 1st grade that is crazy. Is Rhea her teacher? She grew up with us in Kaysville, small world.
Congratulations EMily!!

Graydon Blair said...

Yep! That's the Rhea from Kaysville. It's been fun having her as Emily's teacher.

Anna said...

that looks like a fun program. She looks so big. I can't believe she's going into first grade

red said...

oh my heck she's so old!! When did that happen? :)