Monday, September 14, 2009


Laurie has always been a good sleeper. She sleeps throught the night and takes long naps. Her regular nap time is at 1 pm and then she wakes between 3:30 and 4:30. This particular day I thought that she was napping extra long. At 5:30 I finally opened the door to check on her and I found that she was entertaining herself. All this time I thought she had been sleeping, but somehow she had pulled several items into her crib and had been quietly playing.

Desitin all over Laurie

The pillow and other clothes

My first reaction was of shock, but I got control enough to take pictures.

Graydon bathed her with Biodiesel Glycerin Soap and it worked wonders.

1 comment:

red said...

Violet started doing that as well. I have to scoot everything on her changing table far away so she doesn't pull ALL of the wipes out of the box. I'm glad you took pictures that's adorable!