Friday, April 2, 2010

Little Miss Homemaker

I posted this on facebook already, but I wanted it here too. Sorry for the repetition.

I really think that Laurie is going to know how to cook by the time she's three. Every time I am making something in the kitchen she has to help. This afternoon I had started heating some water to make Mac and Cheese, then I went to play piano until the water boiled. The box of pasta was sitting on the stove next to the pan, UNOPENED.

I heard a loud sound and before I could see what was happening Laurie came in and gave me a damp cheese packet. She had opened the box, and poured all contents into the water in the pan. I almost got mad.

She then insisted on helping to make lunch.


Shara said...

This is so adorable! Good job letting her help you, my son is almost two now, and I'm so petrified of him getting hurt that I end up not letting him do much at all. She is an adorable little thing!

Graydon Blair said...

She helped make the cake (and eat the frosting) yesterday for her sisters B-day cake.

She absolutely LOVES helping make juice and could sit for hours on end just filling up measuring cups with water and pouring them into a bowl.

Yep! She's our little home maker.