Thursday, October 2, 2008

Random photos

Laurie got to see her cousin Delilah last week. They weren't really interested in each other, but they are both so cute!

Laurie is now 8 1/2 months old and is crawling, pulling up and cruising on furniture.

Emily and Josh have had a lot of fun making letters out of themselves. Here is the letter W.

Last of all, I got my hair cut this week. This is the shortest that I have ever had it. I really like it.


Anna said...

alright, making letters out of themselves. that is really cute. I love it. Made me laugh
And I really like your hair. Be warned though. Once you go short you may never go back. :)It looks really good.

Michelle said...

I like you hair alot, i think i am ready for a change too. I lOVE the making letters from their bodies that is super cute.

VJBlair said...

Initially I didn't mean to go that short, but it seems to get shorter every time I get it cut.

Regina said...

Cute hair!

Cindy said...

I like your new haircut! Emily and Josh are funny! Did they learn that from Sesame STreet or just come up with it?

VJBlair said...

I have no idea where they learned it. I just came in the room and found them trying to make and O. I would have taken more pictures but the batteries died on the camera.

Graydon Blair said...

Daddy knows!
They learned it on YouTube.
They were watching some classic Sesame Street episodes on YouTube & in one episode kids were making letters by laying on the ground (I can still remember watching those episodes as a kid).

Emily & Josh started making letters on the floor showing what they'd learned.
(YouTube fan!)

Brandy said...

Ooo I LOVE your hair! It looks so cute on you!