Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The Only REAL Reason For Watching The Superbowl....

....is for the commercials.

I'm a nut for good advertising and am always impressed by what comes out at the Superbowl. This is the time when companies spend the kitty to make some of the most brilliant advertising commercials in the world.

You can watch all of them here:

Here's my all time favorites from this round though.

"If Roadies Ran The Airlines" by Sprint

"Bridgestone Tires On The Moon"

This one was just stupid....
"Cash For Gold"

Anyway, another round of pretty good advertising. It was obvious that this year the spending money was low though with several advertisers. Several of the ads just didn't have that "Superbowl Pizazz" they usually have had in the past, but there were still some pretty good zingers.

Good stuff all around.

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