Monday, December 22, 2008

6 Quirky Things About Me (Graydon)

My sister Michelle sent me one of those "tag" thingy's...

She wanted me to share 6 things that are quirky about me.

Hmmmm.....gotta think about that one, I'm sure Val could share a lot more of them, but, here goes.

1. I can hear a note that is out of tune a mile away. I'm the worst person to go to hear a choir sing with because I can pick out the tenor, bass, soprano, or alto that's off tune (and I can usually pick them out of a HUGE choir too--"That one, the one in Red, she's flat!" or, "The guy on the top left can't blend with the others"). Yep. Don't go with me to a choir if you wanna go just to hear them sing. However, when someone is "good", I can usually tell you why (by the way, I totally agree with Simon Cowell about 90% of the time. Half the crap on American (idiot) Idol is just that...crap. I don't understand where they get half the singers! Even in the top 10 a bunch of them are still REALLY off & out of tune. Carry Underwood was really good from the start though. Very good tone!)

2. I like my work area clean. I grew up with slobs (sorry brothers & sisters, but ya were!) and it drove me nuts. When I rented an apartment in Roy after graduating from college I kept the place so clean that they gave me all of my cleaning deposit back because in their words, "My gosh, the place is cleaner than when you rented it!" I can "Tolerate" a mess a lot better these days (I just ignore it...3 kids can trash our house pretty quick these days--but I still keep my office and my shed really clean).

There's a few quirks I picked up from mom on cleaning. If I pull a fridge or stove out, I HAVE to clean under it. It's just how it goes. Oh yeah, and I'm with Anna, I HATE smelly rags or bad smells in a house. Grosses me out.

3. I can organize the worst mess into something orderly pretty fast. Don't ask me how, I just can. It can annoy people sometimes because I like to keep things so organized, but hey, my world, my life. Although I don't try to organize other peoples stuff unless they ask me.

4. I'm allergic to milk. Have been for most of my life. I don't understand that whole "have to have milk" thing. To me it's gross. It tastes like waxy water to me...nasty! On my mission people always used to try to offer me a substitute for milk & I never understood it. It's like Milk is as important to them as toilet paper or something. I always thought, "Look, it ain't the end of the world, I'm allergic to the stuff, No, I don't want to try Soy milk or goats milks or goats cheese, or some other sad excuse for a Milk substitute. Get over it. There are people out there that just don't drink the stuff!"

Funny story about Milk....
When Val & I first got married, we were married in St. George, then drove home & spent our first night in our house. I got everything ready in the house that I thought we needed, but when we woke up the next morning & we pulled the cereal down she asked, "Where's the milk?" "Huh? Wuddya mean?" "I mean, where's the milk for my cereal?" I'd completely forgotten that people put milk on cereal (I use water--yeah, I know, you might think it's gross, but it's better than Orange Juice or non-dairy creamer, or even worse, Soy Milk! Ugh! That stuff is NASTY!!!). My dad's never let me live that one down though; it was pretty funny.

5. I like pictures to hang STRAIGHT on a wall and if given the chance will walk up to a picture and straighten it (I can spot a crooked picture quite a ways away..if I straighten your pictures, don't worry, I'm just aligning them right...they're crooked! Dontchya know!)

6. I can tell if a tire on a car is out of balance and usually can even tell you which one it is just by driving the car. Along the car night if I see the taillights of a car I can 9 times out of 10 tell you what the make & model and pretty close to the year of the car is just by seeing the taillights from about 100 feet back. Even in the dark. I know, kind of quirky.

7. Oh yeah, one more, just remembered (because Val reminds me about it). I like to brush my teeth with the water running while leaning over the counter into the sink. I don't know why. I do it subconsciously.

Well, I'm sure Val could name a bunch more, but there ya have it. 6 kind of quirky things about me.



Michelle said...

You do have some weird things going for ya. Note to self don't let Graydon hear you sing. :) Or ride in my car, or see my walls :)b/c I don't notice most of those things. :) Thanks for sharing.

Oh and Val... you are welcome to join the tag too.

Kathleen and Justin Lofley said...

Graydon, I'm glad I read this AFTER your wife and I sang a duet Sunday! And, have you seen the commercial for the new picture leveling level where you can mark the holes? I thought it was pretty cool. I want to say it's Black and Decker or Craftsman, but I'm not sure.