Monday, December 22, 2008

My Six Quirks

1- I pick at my hangnails without thinking. I have made my hands look so ugly with sores because of this habit. I do it if I'm bored or nervous. This took the place of biting my nails when I was younger and it stuck.

2- I have a hard time putting things away. This bothers Graydon so bad. I think it has something to do with the fact that I get distracted very easily or I tell myself I put it away when I go in that room again, which rarely happens. I can organize very well when I take the time, it just isn't instinctual.

3- I can't stand the feel of chalk. It sends chills through me just thinking about it.

4- I interrupt people a lot during conversation. I have to really try hard to stop myself and sometimes I don't realize what I did until afterward. Then I feel guilty.

5- I twirl my hair. I have done this since I was really little. It's another bored or nervous habit. My sister was following me home one day and she said that she always knew my van because she could see me twirling my hair as I drove.

6- I am a channel surfer. I can't just sit and watch a show. For one I hate commercials and second I always feel that there might be something better on another channel that I am missing. So quite often I will watch two or three shows at once; changing the channel during the commercial brakes.

I tag anyone who is interested.

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