Saturday, December 13, 2008

The Bird Feeder

Last winter I bought a bird feeder for our backyard and was amazed at how many birds were eating from it.

So, later that winter I picked up another one.

We've sporadically filled them with Bird Feed & let the birds eat to their hearts delight.

The other day while I was shooting some video for a work related project I noticed a huge mass of birds at the bird feeder. They were all over the feeder and even more of them were on the ground.

So, I turned the video camera toward the feeder & shot this......

I'm embedding it in HD format, so if it doesn't load immediately, just let it sit for a bit and it will. The quality of the video is worth the wait.

Enjoy the birds!


Max said...

I enjoyed this one.
You should make a video and sing in the background. That would be great.

Cindy said...

The quality really is amazing. I felt like I was watching a real nature show. I'll second the motion for a singing in the background video. :)

Graydon Blair said...

Maybe I'll do a Christmas themed one & sing something festive...

Now to come up with something to video...