Friday, October 17, 2008

Time Flies!!

So here is what I have been doing in all of my spare time for the last week. I took 15 video tapes from our camcorder and put them all on the computer. Then I clipped them, titled and made them into 6 DVDs. After watching the DVDs some of the footage dragged a little, so I still have some editing to do. But I got a lot done.

It was like going back in time watching them. Kids grow so fast and most of the time you don't realize it until you look back. ( I apologize for the quality I made them small so they would run quicker.)

28 October 2005

10 July 2006

Graydon just found out that a 12 year old daughter of some friends of ours has a malignant tumor and has been given 6 months to two years if radiation doesn't work. He asked the dad if they had a video camera.

Make the most of every moment, make as many memories as you can and enjoy the journey.


grandma blair said...

It will be really fun to watch them when they have children. It is too bad we didn't have a movie camera when you were little. We have Grandpa Day's movies, and that is about all. Keep up the memories.

Max said...

Before you know it, you will be videoing weddings. Honest.