Laurie went to the doctor for her one year checkup. She came in really well on length and head circ. but her weight was not so good. Since her last checkup three months ago she lost one ounce.
Height: 29.2 inches (73%)
Weight: 18.1 pounds (10%)
Head Circ: 18.1 Inches (75%)
So we are not able to face her forward in the van yet and we are under strict instruction to help her gain weight. Being allergic to milk won't make that easy.
She is doing great in all other areas. She can walk very well, crawl up and down stairs, but chooses not to, and I think she finally knows what Ma-Ma means. She loves to play with her siblings and fights with Josh. She is very vocal and lets you know when she is upset with a toy being taken as she screams and tries to get it back. She is so cute and still follows Daddy everywhere.
She does look so cute. Just add candy to the diet. :)
I'm sure all the stomach troubles lately didn't help in the weight department. I think Beth was 18 lbs at a year old too. I remember we needed to fatten her up and weighed her with extra clothes on so we could turn her carseat around for our Disneyland trip a few months after her 1st birthday. Even then she was still a little shy of the 20 lbs!
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