Monday, January 5, 2009

Tagged by Kris

I've been tagged, hope you like it.

1-Where did you meet your husband?
We met at a young single adult dance out at Saltair. I was working that night and my roommate convinced me to leave early and go. We met with a group of people from Weber State. My roommate's childhood friend was in that group and so was he. We really hit it off.

2- How long did you date before you got married?
We dated for two months and then got engaged, but our engagement was six months.

3- How long have you been married?
7 years 11 months.

4- What does he do that surprises you?
yes, every once in a while he will start dancing with me in the kitchen.

5- What is your favorite feature of his?
His smile. It was one of the first things I noticed about him.

6- What is his best quality?
He is very good with people, a hard worker, and he knows so much about a lot of different things.

7- Does he have a nickname for you?

8- What is his favorite food?
PIZZA, but Carl's Jr. is a close second.

9- What is his favorite sport?
Can you believe that he doesn't have one? I thought for sure that every man was crazy about sports (my five brothers were), but I have only seen him watch limited NASCAR. I don't mind.

10- When and Where did you first kiss?
In his car after his quartet practice. He was such a gentleman, he waited until the fourth date.

11- What is your favorite thing to do as a couple?
Go to dinner without kids, but we also like to drive around and look at houses. We talk about what we like and what we don't like. We also watch youtube.

12- Do you have any children?
Yes! Emily is 5, Josh is 3, and Laurie will be a year in a week and a half.

13- Does he have any hidden talents?
He can really entertain children. He is so good at telling stories and singing songs in a way that they just love.

14- How old his he?
He can never remember, but he is 35.

15- Who said I Love You first?
He did, and he was patient while I became sure of my feelings before saying it myself.

16- What is his favorite music?
Country, Big Band, Jazz

17- What do you admire most about him?
He is a hard worker, his ability to plan ahead, and his tolerance of my shortcomings. He is very supportive of my projects. Also, he can fall asleep anytime anywhere no matter what is going on around him; he has fallen asleep on the kitchen floor after finishing his dinner one night.

18- What is his favorite color?

19- Will he read this?

20- I tag eveyone who wants to.



grandma blair said...

That was fun to read Valerie, It made me remember all the wonderful things about Graydon.

Stacy said...

What a sweet tag. You guys seem very much in love. I love that you sometimes dance in the kitchen!

VJBlair said...

Thanks Val...
Very nice!

Yep. I really can fall asleep pretty much anywhere. I call it my "Daddy Feature"...because I remember my dad could fall asleep anywhere too.

"We dated for two months and then got engaged, but our engagement was six months."

Six LONG months! We only got to see each other between work shifts too. I worked days & she worked nights, so seeing each other was interesting....I was so glad when we got married & I actually got to see her more often.
