Monday, November 24, 2008


Tonight for Family Home Evening we decided to make Christmas Tree Ornaments out of cinnamon. I made one full recipe and when I saw the ball of dough, I thought, "This isn't going to make very many." So I made the full recipe again. Now you see what we ended up with. If my count is correct we have 56 ornaments. (Okay, I'll admit I didn't follow the recipe exactly. I increased the amounts a little.) We have decided to give some away. The best part is...our house smells so yummy.


Kierst said...

What a fun activity! I especially love the hands. That's such a great idea. We might have to do that now. I'm sure London would love it.

Cindy said...

Sounds fun. That's going to be one good smelling tree!

Michelle said...

I love the hand ornaments such a good idea. what is the recipe?I love the smell of cinnamon

grandma blair said...

Cute ornamaents, the kids look like they had a great time.

Graydon Blair said...

pice up holiday gifts with whimsical cutouts that double as fragrant (but nonedible!) tree ornaments.
1 cup of regular applesauce (not the chunky variety)
1 1/2 cups of ground cinnamon
1/3 cup of white glue
Assorted cookie cutters
Drinking straw
Colored ribbon

Time needed: Afternoon or Evening
1. In a mixing bowl, stir together ingredients. Form the mixture into a ball, wrap it in plastic and chill for at least 30 minutes until the "dough" stiffens.

2. Sprinkle more cinnamon on a cutting board or a waxed-paper-lined surface, and turn the chilled dough onto it. Dust a rolling pin with cinnamon and use it to roll out the dough to a 1/4-inch thickness (if it's thinner than that, the ornaments will be too fragile).

3. Cut out decorative shapes with assorted cookie cutters or a butter knife, then use a plastic drinking straw to make a hole through the top center of each cutout.

4. Let the ornaments air-dry completely before stringing them with ribbon.

String several ornaments together with twine and beads for a sweet-smelling holiday garland.

More details here:
link to recipe

Kathleen and Justin Lofley said...

These are some of my favorite ornaments to make! I still have the ones I made in YW when I was 15 and they still smell! My recipe was only cinnamon and applesauce (no glue, no refrigeration, and no problems). That's it! And I get the cinnamon at WalMart when they sell the big ones for $.50. Can't beat it.Your recipe looks great too. My only thing is that I make them at least 1/2" thick because the thinner they are, the more fragile.

I bet your house smells AMAZING.

Brandy said...

I love the hands!!

We've made the applesauce ornaments too---they smell so good. We pulled out the ones from last year and they still smell like cinnamon!