Thursday, March 26, 2009

psoriasis psucks

Well, it's official, I'm plagued with psoriasis.

Went to see the doc today and, well, yep, it's psoriasis.

What is it you ask?
Well, it's a condition where your skin grows skin cells way too fast. The cells turn white and flake off. Think of like Dandruff only 100 times worse.

Your skin flakes off in these big white patches because the skin under it is growing too fast.

I have it on my scalp and on other parts of my body.

Here's what wikipedia has to say about it.

And the bad news is that it never goes away. It isn't one of those "curable" diseases either. Oh goody!

Steroids apparently will slow down the growth of the cells (basically white cream stuff), but beyond that, I get to look like I have massive amounts of dandruff for the rest of my life. That and it itches like no tomorrow!

Technically, I think I've had it for a good 5-10 years but didn't realize what it was as it was in really small patches.'s GROWING!!!

The good news? My blood pressure rocks! 120/80! (I guess that's good, I wouldn't really know, but the nurse said that "that's about to perfect as you can get" so I figured it had to be good.)

So, anyone got any coal tar? I guess that calms down the inflammation.

Fun, eh?


Kierst said...

I feel your pain and I've been dealing with it my whole life. Here's my suggestion. Get rid of the build up by rubbing some sort of oil (vegetable, canola, olive, baby) over the inflamed areas. This loosens it up and then take a lice comb and comb it all off your scalp. This should help for a number of months or even years with just one treatment. But after that, if you notice things, use a steroid. I would suggest using betamethason dipropionate. It's clear, runny and smells like rubbing alcohol. It doesn't leave any residue and it totally helps.

Graydon Blair said...

Oh sweet!!!!
Thank you!
I'm printing that one out...

grandma blair said...

so sorry to hear you have psoriasis, hope you can get it under control. :(

Kierst said...

Oh, I forgot. If you haven't done the oil treatment yet, make sure that when you shampoo it out, use dish soap. This will get rid of the oil so much faster than shampoo.

Graydon Blair said...

Sweet! It's on my list to do this week. I have a TON of oil (the Biodiesel stuff & all).